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This document is a NSA briefing of the close access SIGADs used by the NSA's Tailored Access Operations to perform diplomatic surveillance on embassies in New York and Washington, DC. The document also contains a glossary defining certain key SIGADs…

This document is an internal NSA presentation. It outlines how XKEYSCORE can be used to gather information using metadata gleaned from document metadata (e.g. embeded documents, images or sound files), in contrast to more traditional selectors (e.g.…

This document is a release from the NSA internal newsletter, SIDtoday. It describes the successful NSA operation that was collaboration among several teams, including Tailer Access Operations and Special Source Operations, in order to access,…

This document is a presentation used in NSA training material. This presentation was designed for use by NSA personnel with access to the bulk telephony metadata acquired by the NSA pursuant to Section 501 of FISA, for purposes of performing…

This document is a classification guide for the NSA's PAWLEYS program, which has a security classification of ECI (Exceptionally Controlled Information). PAWLEYS is a program aiming to protect clandestine HUMINT and computer network access intended…

This document is an NSA powerpoint presentation from 2012. The presentation gives a description of the SKYNET metadata collection program: SKYNET "applies complex combintations of geospatial, geotemporal, pattern-of-life, and travel analytics to bulk…

This document is an extract from an internal NSA presentation. It describes the mission, resources and capabilities of the NSA, as well as identifying and classifying resources used to achieve key objectives.

This document is a factsheet answering analyst's frequently asked questions about BOUNDLESSINFORMANT, a tool used by the NSA to track and visualize global surveillance data. It is identical to the factsheet also published by Dagbladet.

This document is an extract from the 2013 "Black Budget", a budget covering expenses related to the Unites States Intelligence Community's covert operations and programs. This extract describes the Foreign Partner Access Program, comprised of the…

This document is an internal NSA presentation. It draws the distinction between retrieving full logs of digital network intelligence (DNI) data and retrieving HTTP activity requests when using the NSA's XKEYSCORE data analysis tool.
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