Browse Items (626 total)

This document is allegedly an extract from the 2013 NSA Black Budget, requesting funding to expand the ICREACH program to access a "wider set of shareable dala." The request includes expanding IC access to digital network intelligence metadata,…

This document is an internal NSA presentation. It showcases using the XKEYSCORE query tool to target individuals visiting specific websites.

This document contains internal NSA training material, explaining in detail the legal and procedural rules underlying the assumption of "Reasonable Articulable Suspicion (RAS)" as it relates to the NSA's Business Records (BR) and Pen Register Trap…

This document is a presentation that reviews in detail the capabilities and constraints of the GCHQ program VPN SPIN 9 - a VPN decryption program. The document shows how the VPN service is connected to other SIGINT programs, maps out several…

This article, from the NSA's SIDtoday newsletter, describes the success of a hands-on interception program. Shipments of computer network devices (servers, routers, etc.), en route to target locations, are intercepted and physically implanted with…

This is an extract from an internal NSA presentation. It relates to the provision of XKEYSCORE analytics program to the German BfV (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution).

This document contains slides displaying the operations of the QUANTUMINSERT computer network exploitation (CNE) program. Through partner programs such as TURBINE and TURMOIL, the NSA is able to exploit target computer networks by redirecting…

This document is a report from the BOUNDLESSINFORMANT big data analysis tool used by the NSA. It shows the NSA's efforts in monitoring telephonic and internet communications in France in a 30 day period between December 10 2012 and Janurary 8 2013.

This document is a slide from a NSA presentation describing the NSA's collection activities worldwide. Specifically, it illustrates that the NSA used a technique called "Computer Network Exploitation" (CNE) to install malware onto over 50,000 devices…

This document is an internal NSA memo. It describes current operations by the NSA and other Five Eyes intelligence agencies involving hacking large internet routers.
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