Browse Items (626 total)

This document shows the volumes and limits of the NSA's FASCIA database between the beginning of 2011 to June 2012. FASCIA is used to store the location information of mobile devices. Analysts query this database using the CHALKFUN tool. It also…

This document is an internal NSA presentation. It outlines strategies for using the XKEYSCORE data analysis tool to retrive intelligence data from free file uploader websites.

This document is an NSA powerpoint presentation from June 2006 that discusses plans for the program RT-10 (REAL TIME) for converged intelligence workflows, great efficiencies in analysis and improved bulk data processing technologies. These slides…

This document is an article from the internal NSA newsletter, SIDtoday. It describes the hiring process for the NSA Olympics Support Team, as well as briefly noting collaboration with many foreighn partners in the European Union.

This document contains internal NSA training material, explaining in detail the separation between the role of analyst and technician work roles as it relates to the NSA's Business Records (BR) and Pen Register Trap and Trace (PR/TT) Bulk Metadata…

This document is a NSA briefing on the potential political talking points and "landmines"for NSA officials to be aware of in preparation for the visit of GCHQ Director Iain Lobban.

This document is a NSA visit précis detailing the upcoming visit of New Zealand Director, Intelligence Coordination Group, Ambassador Roy Ferguson. The agenda's "primary purpose for the visit is to provide an update on legislation being proposed for…

This document contains internal NSA training material, explaining in detail the rules ensuring the NSA's compliance with FISA, FISC and Executive Order 12333 in their SIGINT activities. The document specifically relates to the NSA's Business Records…

This document is an internal NSA presentation describing the agencies efforts in Identity Intelligence, a surveillance technique based on "exploiting pieces of information that are unique to an individual to track, exploit and identify targets of…

This document contains posts from an internal NSA message board outlining methods for collecting data on unknown potential targets by way of infiltrating systems administrator accounts.
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