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This document is an article from GCHQ's internal Wiki, GCWiki. It outlines the products made available to intelligence analysts by The Technical Enabling Access Product Centre (TECA). TECA is a division of GCHQ focused on reverse engineering…

This document is a NSA release detailing the history and current partnership between Turkish and U.S intelligence operations. Intelligence sharing began in 1949 between the CIA and the Turkish Electronic and Technical Intelligence (ETI) and has…

This GCHQ document discusses the collaboration between the NSA and the GCHQ on initiatives in COMSAT (Communications satellites access). The report focuses on funding and budget concerns for the future of the projects.

This document is a factsheet from the Office of SIGINT Development. It lists the various QUANTUM programs in operation or in live testing, including their success rate. Programs include diverse CNO (computer network operations) devised for SIGINT…

This is an extract from an internal NSA presentation. It relates to the provision of XKEYSCORE analytics program to the German BfV (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution).

This article, from the NSA's SIDtoday newsletter, describes the success of a hands-on interception program. Shipments of computer network devices (servers, routers, etc.), en route to target locations, are intercepted and physically implanted with…

This document contains presentation slides from the 2010 SIGINT Development Conference outlining the QUANTUMTHEORY program and its sub-programs, from legacy to those in experimental stages.

This document is an internal presentation prepared by the NSA's Mathematics Research Group (MRG). It outlines the structure, features and examples of use of the XKEYSCORE data analysis tool. The presentation also describes the relations of XKEYSCORE…

This document is an extract from an NSA presentation. It describes SERENDIPITY, which was seemingly an effort by the NSA to target Microsoft for similar SIGINT sourcing programs that affected Google and Yahoo. These slides show efforts to intercept…

This document is a presentation that reviews in detail the capabilities and constraints of the GCHQ program VPN SPIN 9 - a VPN decryption program. The document shows how the VPN service is connected to other SIGINT programs, maps out several…
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