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This document is an internal GCHQ wiki page. It describes BLACK HOLE, a data repository holding a variety of differnent data sources including: webmail, email transfers, ftp transfers, internet browsing metadata and website logins. The document also…

This document contains a NSA graph detailing the reports made by data from various telecommunications companies, including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook and Paltalk.

This document is an internal NSA memo. It describes the use of the XKEYSCORE data analysis tool to retrieve intelligence from attatched logos embedded in online documents.

This document is a memo submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that describes the procedures used by the NSA for determining the "foreignness" of persons targeted for surveillance. The document also describes the oversight and…

This document is an extract from a larger document, the "black budget," detailing the research and technology behind two US signals and intelligence projects: "Penetrating Hard Targets" and "Owning the Net." Both projects are housed under the arm of…

This document is a presentation deck from the NSA giving an overview of the TRANSGRESSION program, which aims to discover, evaluate and exploit foreign CNOs and hopes to provide cryptanalytic exploitation support. The presentation includes the…

This document is a NSA news release announcing a successful collaborative effort, codenamed RAINFALL, to collect "Time Division-Long Term Evolution (TD LTE) 4G (fourth generation)" cellular communicatons, a high-priority goal for the NSA and the…

This document is a memo submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court detailing the targetting minimization procedures used by the NSA in their surveillance of foreign and domestic communications.

This document is a memo addressed to the Attorney General of the United Statesm Michael B. Mukasey by Kenneth L. Wainstein, Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division. The memo proposes an amendment of Department of Defence procedures to…

This document is a presentation describing the mission statement BOUNDLESSINFORMANT, the NSA's tool used to track and visualize global surveillance data. This document is an expanded version of that released by the Guardian.
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