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This document is an update from an internal intelligence community discussion group for media, including both the NSA and GCHQ. The topic is a summary of the main take aways of the recent IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force conference and…

This document contains four slides which may have been extracted from a larger presentation. The slides show four different work flows concerning decryption applications.

This document is a report created by the National Counterterrorism Center. It describes the procedures in place allowing intelligence agencies to place individuals suspected of terrorism related offenses onto government watch-lists.

This document is an internal NSA presentation. It outlines the best strategies for targeting web forums for surveillance using the XKEYSCORE and PINWALE query systems.

20150402-Intercept-GCHQ Mission Driven Access Workshop.pdf
This document is an extract from a presentation developed by the GCHQ's Bude station. It describes the "Mission Driver" behind GCHQ operations in Latin America. a key objective appears to be manipulating Latin American public opinion behind…

This document is an extract from a presentation developed by the GCHQ's Bude station. It describes the "Mission Driver" behind GCHQ operations in Latin America. a key objective appears to be manipulating Latin American public opinion behind…

This document contains internal NSA training material. This document welcomes potential technicians and analysts to a course devoted to the NSA's Business Records (BR) and Pen Register Trap and Trace (PR/TT) Bulk Metadata Programs.

This document is a presentation used in NSA training material. This presentation was designed for use by NSA personnel with access to the bulk telephony metadata acquired by the NSA pursuant to Section 501 of FISA, for purposes of performing…

This document is an internal NSA publication of an interview with the FAD's Deputy Assistant for SIGINT Operations discussing the relationships between NSA/Third Party nations intelligence partnerships.

This document is an NSA article from the internal NSA newsletter SIDtoday. Written by the SIDtoday editor, the article is an interview with Jon Darby, Signals Intelligence (SID) Associate Deputy Director for Counterterrorism. The interview dicusses…
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