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This document contains NSA presentation slides and notes describing Huawei Corp, a Chinese telecommunications company, as a potential surveillance threat and link to the PRC. The document dicusses operations to exploit Huawei equipment globally and…

20150311-NZHerald-NSA Relationship With New Zealand.pdf
This document is an NSA information paper detailing the nature of the intelligence relationship operating between the NSA and New Zealand's intelligence agency, the Government Communications Security Bureau.

This internal NSA document provides the agenda for a visit from the President of Germany’s Federal Office of Information Security (BSI).

This document is a NSA news release announcing a successful collaborative effort, codenamed RAINFALL, to collect "Time Division-Long Term Evolution (TD LTE) 4G (fourth generation)" cellular communicatons, a high-priority goal for the NSA and the…

This document is a presentation deck from the NSA giving an overview of the TRANSGRESSION program, which aims to discover, evaluate and exploit foreign CNOs and hopes to provide cryptanalytic exploitation support. The presentation includes the…

This document is an extract from a larger document, the "black budget," detailing the research and technology behind two US signals and intelligence projects: "Penetrating Hard Targets" and "Owning the Net." Both projects are housed under the arm of…

This document is an internal NSA memo. It describes the use of the XKEYSCORE data analysis tool to retrieve intelligence from attatched logos embedded in online documents.

This document is a report from the BOUNDLESSINFORMANT big data analysis tool used by the NSA. It shows the NSA's efforts in monitoring telephonic and internet communications in Spain in a 30 day period between December 10 2012 and Janurary 8 2013.

This document is a presentation describing the NSA's query program, XKeyscore. The program's structure, appearance and technical architecture are described and compared to other tools available to the NSA. The document also contains examples of the…

This document is an internal NSA presentation. It outlines how the XKEYSCORE data querying tool used by NSA analysts can also be used to target mobile and cellular digital network intelligence (DNI).
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